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Friday, November 1, 2013

Hướng dẫn làm chậu gỗ trồng phong lan

Posted By: hoaduy - 11:04 PM


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how to make a wooden slat orchid basket
To make your slat baskets you need to have cut some sticks about3/4 (18mm) inch square. This is not the only size you can use. You might use any thing you can bore a 1/8 in (3mm)hole through. You might even use round peach boughs or similar. 18 of 3/4 in sticks is a good number to start with. cut these about 10 in (25cm) long. bore a 1/8in (3cm) hole about an inch from each end.

4 x 3mm. wires about 15 cm.

You need 4 holding wires.turn a little hook on one end.

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Close and turn that hook sideways. This stops it from going through the first stick.

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Thread the first 4 sticks as you see in the photo.

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Now nail in the floor of the basket. Depending on whether the basket will be used to grow certain plants (like vandas)that need to grow through, or the basket is used to line and hold pot mix or again it might be used solely to hold one or more pots. You can leave spaces or not. I know a place where these, in large form, are used to hold potatoes and onions.

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Put enough nails in the floor so you do not get this effect.If you only put one nail in each board your basket can assume an odd shape.

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Nearly done. Snip off the wire ends, leaving about 1 1/2in (4cm).

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Turn the wire ends over as hooks to hold the chain or wire or cord hanger.

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A good size for small orchids is about 7in (18cm)square . This one 18in.long sells well at markets


Một số mẫu chậu gỗ trồng phong lan

About hoaduy

Techism is an online Publication that complies Bizarre, Odd, Strange, Out of box facts about the stuff going around in the world which you may find hard to believe and understand. The Main Purpose of this site is to bring reality with a taste of entertainment


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